Sencia Canada Ltd. - Website & Software Development

Website & Software Development

The web development industry is one that constantly changes, evolves, expands and works to improve overall experiences and accessibility for the end user. This is exactly how our web developers look at coding your website. Our web development team regularly implements new, proven ideas and practices into our everyday code in order to provide you with the best possible results that make you stand out in the rapidly changing web.

We use current coding practices and always ensure; code cleanliness/organization, HMTL validation and that WCAG 2.0 and Search Engine Optimization practices are followed. All projects are tested and reviewed on multiple devices and browsers prior to launch, which allows us to catch any missed items.

Our extensive and aggressive web development practices help set us apart from many of our competitors who often miss vital elements that lead to; search rank penalties, accessibility issues or browser-based issues.

Technology Gears, Coding, Development

Mobile & Responsive Web Development

The web isn’t just about desktop browsing anymore, which is why we offer responsive web development as part of our package in all new web projects. Your website contains a lot of important and valuable information, which is why it should be easy to access from any device!

Sencia offers new responsive web development as well as responsive website conversions for recently designed websites that are non-responsive or have critical issues, making it difficult or impossible to access content on certain devices. If you have any questions regarding our responsive web development services, feel free to start a discussion.

Custom Software Development

Our custom developed applications provide you with efficient solutions for your business that’ll save you both time and cost. Automated transactions, data collection, generated reports; these are just a few examples of what we can do.

Although each project is truly unique, you can save even more time and cost by utilizing our selection of products and large bank of predeveloped modules. These products and modules are all developed to be as flexible as possible and work as framework solutions to common actions and tasks. Fully customized solutions are also available.